Wednesday, April 29, 2009

100 days ago......

January was a crazy busy month for me. I had every intention, but I never did sit down and blog about Inauguration Week here in DC. It was awe-inspiring and unforgettable! The city had been preparing for weeks and when the day finally arrived, you could tell we had all prepared ourselves. Mind you, I still had to work during all this madness, but at least my sis was in town and the exictement was amazing. The concert at the Lincoln Memorial was the first event of the week and for my sister and I, it was our trial run. After that Sunday, we knew 4 very important things:

1. It was going to be FREEZING cold.
2. We would be sitting/standing on the freezing cold ground (in one place) for HOURS.
3. I would cry at some point for some reason.
4. It was going to be WORTH IT!!!

Beginning: We line up at the subway station with hundreds of others at 2am.

Mid-Beginning: Stake our claim in front of a JumboTron inside the National Mall with the Capital Building ahead of us.

Middle: In a sea of millions, my sister puts her glove on her flag stick and waves it above our heads every time the camera scans our area. We text messaged our family members with instructions to look for that teal colored glove. It didn't work, but we thought it might at the time and it was very fun! Also, right about this time I did start crying because we still had 3 hours to go before the inauguration began and the concession stand had already run out of coffee! Bastards!

End: At this point, fear did start to creep in for just a little bit. The crowd began to disperse and we were all headed for the closest subway station. My sis and I were separated from our friends and ended up in a literal human traffic jam. People smashed up against each other from all directions. It took us 2 hours, but we finally were on a train out of the city and shortly after that, in my car driving back to Richmond.

Three days before election day I was with my client in LA who is also my very dear friend. I had the opportunity to stay a few more days before flying back to Richmond, but I said "I can't! The election is on Tuesday and Obama needs me! I'm registered in a swing state! I'm going to turn Virginia blue!!" On the night of the election, just as I was jumping up and down screaming in my living room, I received a text message from her saying, "You did it!"

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